
Showing posts with the label word-starting-with-a

Assume Pronunciation 100% correct. (American & British English)

Say “assume” like Americans and British. Pronounce “assume” with easy guide. [ Pronunciation checked by experts. ] How to pronounce Assume We shared IPA Pronunciation Guide, Sound Like Words, and correct pronunciation of Assume. You should know that assume is pronounced differently in American and British English. IPA-key : US: [ ə-ˈsuːm ] UK: [ ə-ˈsjuːm ] Sounds like: US: ( uh - SOOM ) UK: ( uh - SYOOM ) Listen audio pronunciation: Assume - (Cambridge Dictionary) . (1). First syllable, pronounce with unstressed. [ ə ] in both American and British English, ( uh ) . [ ə ]: ( schwa ) pronounce as “ a ” in sof a , a bove, a lone, a round, a laska. (2). Second syllable, pronounce with stressed. [ suːm ] in American English and [ sjuːm ] in British English, ( SOOM / SYOOM ) . [ s ]: pronounce as “ s ” in s afe, s un, s on, s ay, s it. [ j ]: [ use: UK ] pronounce as “ y ” in y es, y oung, y et, can y on, y outh. [ uː ]: pronounce as ...

Assess Pronunciation 100% correct. (American & British English)

Say “assess” like Americans and British. Pronounce “assess” with easy guide. [ Pronunciation checked by experts. ] How to pronounce Assess We shared IPA Pronunciation Guide, Sound Like Words, and correct pronunciation of Assess. IPA-key: US: [ əˈses ] UK: [ əˈses ] Sounds like: US: ( uh - SES ) UK: ( uh - SES ) Listen audio pronunciation: Assess - (Cambridge Dictionary) . (1). First syllable, pronounce with unstressed. [ ə ] in both American English and British English, ( uh ) . [ ə ]: ( schwa ) pronounce as “ a ” in sof a , a bove, a lone, a round, a laska. (2). Second syllable, pronounce with stressed. [ ses ] in both American English and British English, ( SES ) . [ s ]: pronounce as “ s ” in s afe, s un, s on, s ay, s it. [ e ]: pronounce as “ e ” in b e d, r e d, p e n, s e t, g e t. [ s ]: pronounce as “ s ” in s afe, s un, s on, s ay, s it.

Arpeggio Pronunciation 100% correct. (American & British English)

Say “arpeggio” like Americans and British. Pronounce “arpeggio” with easy guide. [ Pronunciation checked by experts. ] How to pronounce Arpeggio We shared IPA Pronunciation Guide, Sound Like Words, and correct pronunciation of Arpeggio. You should know that arpeggio is pronounced differently in American and British English. IPA-key : US: [ ɑːr-ˈpedʒ-i-oʊ ] UK: [ ɑː-ˈpedʒ-i-əʊ ] Sounds like: US: ( ar - PEJ - ee - ow ) UK: ( ah - PEJ - ee - oh ) Listen audio pronunciation: Arpeggio - (Cambridge Dictionary) . (1). First syllable, pronounce with unstressed. [ ɑːr ] in American English and [ ɑː ] in British English, ( ar / ah ) . [ ɑː ]: pronounce as “ a ” in f a ther, br a r, st a r, p a lm, c a lm. [ r ]: [ use: US ] pronounce as “ r ” in r un, r ed, r ace, r adio, r ice. (2). Second syllable, pronounce with stressed. [ ˈpedʒ ] in both American and British English, ( PEJ ) . [ p ]: pronounce as “ p ” in p en, p ie, p et, p it, p an. ...

Appropriacy Pronunciation 100% correct. (American & British English)

Say “appropriacy” like Americans and British. Pronounce “appropriacy” with easy guide. [ Pronunciation checked by experts. ] How to pronounce Appropriacy We shared IPA Pronunciation Guide, Sound Like Words, and correct pronunciation of Appropriacy. You should know that appropriacy is pronounced differently in American and British English. IPA-key : US: [ əˈproʊ.pri.ə.si ] UK: [ əˈprəʊ.pri.ə.si ] Sounds like: US: ( uh - PROW - pri - uh - si ) UK: ( uh - PROH - pri - uh - si ) Listen audio pronunciation: Appropriacy - (Cambridge Dictionary) . (1). First syllable, pronounce with unstressed. [ ə ] in both American and British English, ( uh ) . [ ə ]: ( schwa ) pronounce as “ a ” in sof a , a bove, a lone, a round, a laska. (2). Second syllable, pronounce with stressed. [ ˈproʊ ] in American English and [ ˈprəʊ ] in British English, ( PROW / PROH ) . [ p ]: pronounce as “ p ” in p en, p ie, p et, p it, p an. [ r ]: pronounce as “ r ” in r...

Appreciate Pronunciation 100% correct. (American & British English)

Say “appreciate” like Americans and British. Pronounce “appreciate” with easy guide. [ Pronunciation checked by experts. ] How to pronounce Appreciate We shared IPA Pronunciation Guide, Sound Like Words, and correct pronunciation of Appreciate. IPA-key: US: [ əˈpriː.ʃi.eɪt ] UK: [ əˈpriː.ʃi.eɪt ] Sounds like: US: ( uh - PREE - she - ayt ) UK: ( uh - PREE - she - ayt ) Listen audio pronunciation: Appreciate - (Cambridge Dictionary) . (1). First syllable, pronounce with unstressed. [ ə ] in both American English and British English, ( uh ) . [ ə ]: ( schwa ) pronounce as “ a ” in sof a , a bove, a lone, a round, a laska. (2). Second syllable, pronounce with stressed. [ priː ] in both American English and British English, ( PREE ) . [ p ]: pronounce as “ p ” in p en, p et, p it, p ot, p ut. [ r ]: pronounce as “ r ” in r un, r ed, r ace, r adio, r ice. [ iː ]: pronounce as “ ee ” in k ee p, n ee d, fr ee , s ee , m ee t. (3). Thi...

Apologize Pronunciation 100% correct. (American & British English)

Say “apologize” like Americans and British. Pronounce “apologize” with an easy guide. [ Pronunciation checked by experts. ] How to pronounce Apologize We shared IPA Pronunciation Guide, Sound Like Words, and correct pronunciation of Apologize. You should know that apologize is pronounced differently in American and British English. IPA-key : US: [ əˈpɑː-lə-dʒaɪz ] UK: [ əˈpɒl-ə-dʒaɪz ] Sounds like: US: ( uh - PAH - luh - jayz ) UK: ( uh - POL - uh - jayz ) Listen audio pronunciation: Apologize - (Cambridge Dictionary) . (1). First syllable, pronounce with unstressed. [ ə ] in both American and British English, ( uh ) . [ ə ]: ( schwa ) pronounce as “ a ” in sof a , a bove, a lone, a round, a laska. (2). Second syllable, pronounce with stressed. [ ˈpɑː ] in American English and [ ˈpɒl ] in British English, ( PAH / POL ) . [ p ]: pronounce as “ p ” in p et, p it, p en, p op, p ack. [ ɑː ]: [ use: US ] pronounce as “ a ” in p a lm, c a...

Amphibious Pronunciation: (Easy Guide & Audio) in English

Amphibious Pronunciation in British English: IPA: /æmˈfɪb-i-əs/ Sounds Like: (am-FIB-ee-uhs) ▶ Breakdown: (am-FIB-ee-uhs) 1 syllable (am): "a" like in b a t ▶ , "m" like in m ood ▶ 2 syllable (FIB): "f" like in f it ▶ , "i" like in sh i ft ▶ , "b" like in b oost ▶ 3 syllable (ee): "ee" like "y" in bab y ▶ 4 syllable (uhs): "uh" like "a" in a bout ▶ , "s" like in s ell ▶ Amphibious Pronunciation in American English: IPA: /æmˈfɪb-i-əs/ Sounds Like: (am-FIB-ee-uhs) ▶ Breakdown: (am-FIB-ee-uhs) 1 syllable (am): "a" like in b a t ▶ , ...

Aluminum Pronunciation 100% correct. (American & British English)

Say “aluminum” like Americans and British. Pronounce “aluminum” with easy guide. [ Pronunciation checked by experts. ] How to pronounce Aluminum We shared IPA Pronunciation Guide, Sound Like Words, and correct pronunciation of Aluminum. IPA-key : US: [ ə-ˈluː-mə-nəm ] UK: [ ə-ˈluː-mə-nəm ] Sounds like: US: ( uh - LOO - muh - nuhm ) UK: ( uh - LOO - muh - nuhm ) Listen audio pronunciation: Aluminum - (Cambridge Dictionary) . (1). First syllable, pronounce with unstressed. [ ə ] in both American English and British English, ( uh ) . [ ə ]: ( schwa ) pronounce as “ a ” in sof a , a bove, a lone, a round, a laska. (2). Second syllable, pronounce with stressed. [ luː ] in both American English and British English, ( LOO ) . [ l ]: pronounce as “ l ” in l ove, l ight, l ate, l eaf, l ife. [ uː ]: pronounce as “ oo ” in m oo n, s oo n, b oo t, f oo d, t oo . (3). Third syllable, pronounce with unstressed. [ mə ] in both American English ...

Aluminium Pronunciation 100% correct. (American & British English)

Say “aluminium” like Americans and British. Pronounce “aluminium” with easy guide. [ Pronunciation checked by experts. ] How to pronounce Aluminium We shared IPA Pronunciation Guide, Sound Like Words, and correct pronunciation of Aluminium. IPA-key : US: [ ˌæl-jə-ˈmɪn-i-əm ] UK: [ ˌæl-jə-ˈmɪn-i-əm ] Sounds like: US: ( al - yuh - MIN - ee - um ) UK: ( al - yuh - MIN - ee - um ) Listen audio pronunciation: Aluminium - (Cambridge Dictionary) . (1). First syllable, pronounce with unstressed. [ æl ] in both American English and British English, ( al ) . [ æ ]: pronounce as “ a ” in c a t, b a t, h a t, m a t, s a t. [ l ]: pronounce as “ l ” in l ove, l ight, l ate, l eaf, l ife. (2). Second syllable, pronounce with unstressed. [ jə ] in both American English and British English, ( yuh ) . [ j ]: pronounce as “ y ” in y es, y oung, y et, can y on, y outh. [ ə ]: ( schwa ) pronounce as “ a ” in sof a , a bove, a lone, a round, a laska. ...

Allege Pronunciation 100% correct. (American & British English)

Say “allege” like Americans and British. Pronounce “allege” with easy guide. [ Pronunciation checked by experts. ] How to pronounce Allege We shared IPA Pronunciation Guide, Sound Like Words, and correct pronunciation of Allege. IPA-key : US: [ ə-ˈledʒ ] UK: [ ə-ˈledʒ ] Sounds like: US: ( uh - LEJ ) UK: ( uh - LEJ ) Listen audio pronunciation: Allege - (Cambridge Dictionary) . (1). First syllable, pronounce with unstressed. [ ə ] in both American English and British English, ( uh ) . [ ə ]: ( schwa ) pronounce as “ a ” in sof a , a bove, a lone, a round, a laska. (2). Second syllable, pronounce with stressed. [ ledʒ ] in both American English and British English, ( LEJ ) . [ l ]: pronounce as “ l ” in l ove, l ight, l ate, l eaf, l ife. [ e ]: pronounce as “ e ” in b e d, r e d, m e t, s e t, g e t. [ dʒ ]: pronounce as “ j ” in j ump, j oy, j ust, j am, j ob.

Algebra Pronunciation 100% correct. (American & British English)

Say “algebra” like Americans and British. Pronounce “algebra” with easy guide. [ Pronunciation checked by experts. ] How to pronounce Algebra We shared IPA Pronunciation Guide, Sound Like Words, and correct pronunciation of Algebra. IPA-key : US: [ ˈæl-dʒə-brə ] UK: [ ˈæl-dʒə-brə ] Sounds like: US: ( AL - juh - bruh ) UK: ( AL - juh - bruh ) Listen audio pronunciation: Algebra - (Cambridge Dictionary) . (1). First syllable, pronounce with stressed. [ æl ] in both American English and British English, ( AL ) . [ æ ]: pronounce as “ a ” in c a t, b a t, h a t, m a t, s a t. [ l ]: pronounce as “ l ” in l ove, l ight, l ate, l eaf, l ife. (2). Second syllable, pronounce with unstressed. [ dʒə ] in both American English and British English, ( juh ) . [ dʒ ]: pronounce as “ j ” in j ump, j oy, j ust, j am, j ob. [ ə ]: ( schwa ) pronounce as “ a ” in sof a , a bove, a lone, a round, a laska. (3). Third syllable, pronounce with unstr...

Actually Pronunciation 100% correct. (American & British English)

Say “actually” like Americans and British. Pronounce “actually” with easy guide. [ Pronunciation checked by experts. ] How to pronounce Actually We shared IPA Pronunciation Guide, Sound Like Words, and correct pronunciation of Actually. IPA-key : US: [ ˈæk-tʃu-ə-li ] UK: [ ˈæk-tʃu-ə-li ] Sounds like: US: ( AHK - chu - uh - li ) UK: ( AHK - chu - uh - li ) Listen audio pronunciation: Actually - (Cambridge Dictionary) . (1). First syllable, pronounce with stressed. [ æk ] in both American English and British English, ( AHK ) . [ æ ]: pronounce as “ a ” in c a t, b a t, h a t, m a t, s a t. [ k ]: pronounce as “ k ” in k ick, k ite, ta k e, k eep, k ey. (2). Second syllable, pronounce with unstressed. [ tʃu ] in both American English and British English, ( chu ) . [ tʃ ]: pronounce as “ ch ” in ch eck, ch ange, ri ch , mat ch , cat ch . [ u ]: pronounce as “ u ” in j u ne. (3). Third syllable, pronounce with unstressed. [ ə ] in b...

Acquiesce Pronunciation 100% correct. (American & British English)

Say “acquiesce” like Americans and British. Pronounce “acquiesce” with easy guide. [ Pronunciation checked by experts. ] How to pronounce Acquiesce We shared IPA Pronunciation Guide, Sound Like Words, and correct pronunciation of Acquiesce. IPA-key : US: [ ˌæk-wiˈes ] UK: [ ˌæk-wiˈes ] Sounds like: US: ( ak - wee - ES ) UK: ( ak - wee - ES ) Listen audio pronunciation: Acquiesce - (Cambridge Dictionary) . (1). First syllable, pronounce with stressed. [ æk ] in both American English and British English, ( ak ) . [ æ ]: pronounce as “ a ” in c a t, b a t, h a t, m a t, s a t. [ k ]: pronounce as “ k ” in k ick, k ite, ta k e, k eep, k ey. (2). Second syllable, pronounce with unstressed. [ wi ] in both American English and British English, ( wee ) . [ w ]: pronounce as “ w ” in w ater, w in, w e, w eb, w ait, w eek. [ i ]: pronounce as “ y ” in bab y , cit y , eas y , sunn y , happ y . (3). Third syllable, pronounce with stressed. ...

Acid Pronunciation 100% correct. (American & British English)

Say “acid” like Americans and British. Pronounce “acid” with easy guide. [ Pronunciation checked by experts. ] How to pronounce Acid We shared IPA Pronunciation Guide, Sound Like Words, and correct pronunciation of Acid. IPA-key : US: [ ˈæs-ɪd ] UK: [ ˈæs-ɪd ] Sounds like: US: ( AS - id ) UK: ( AS - id ) Listen audio pronunciation: Acid - (Cambridge Dictionary) . (1). First syllable, pronounce with stressed. [ æs ] in both American English and British English, ( AS ) . [ æ ]: pronounce as “ a ” in c a t, b a t, h a t, m a t, s a t. [ s ]: pronounce as “ s ” in s afe, s un, s on, s ay, s it. (2). Second syllable, pronounce with unstressed. [ ɪd ] in both American English and British English, ( id ) . [ ɪ ]: pronounce as “ i ” in s i t, f i t, p i n, w i n, h i t. [ d ]: pronounce as “ d ” in d ish, d one, ki d , d ive, d one.

Achieve Pronunciation 100% correct. (American & British English)

Say “achieve” like Americans and British. Pronounce “achieve” with easy guide. [ Pronunciation checked by experts. ] How to pronounce Achieve We shared IPA Pronunciation Guide, Sound Like Words, and correct pronunciation of Achieve. IPA-key : US: [ əˈtʃiːv ] UK: [ əˈtʃiːv ] Sounds like: US: ( uh - CHEEV ) UK: ( uh - CHEEV ) Listen audio pronunciation: Achieve - (Cambridge Dictionary) . (1). First syllable, pronounce with unstressed. [ ə ] in both American English and British English, ( uh ) . [ ə ]: ( schwa ) pronounce as “ a ” in sof a , a bove, a lone, a round, a laska. (2). Second syllable, pronounce with stressed. [ tʃiːv ] in both American English and British English, ( CHEEV ) . [ tʃ ]: pronounce as “ ch ” in ch eck, ch ange, ri ch , mat ch , cat ch . [ iː ]: pronounce as “ ee ” in s ee , b ee , fr ee , k ee p, t ea m. [ v ]: pronounce as “ v ” in v an, v et, v ent, v ine, v illage.

Abscess Pronunciation 100% correct. (American & British English)

Say “abscess” like Americans and British. Pronounce “abscess” with easy guide. [ Pronunciation checked by experts. ] How to pronounce Abscess We shared IPA Pronunciation Guide, Sound Like Words, and correct pronunciation of Abscess. IPA-key : US: [ ˈæ ] UK: [ ˈæ ] Sounds like: US: ( AB - ses ) UK: ( AB - ses ) Listen audio pronunciation: Abscess - (Cambridge Dictionary) . (1). First syllable, pronounce with stressed. [ æb ] in both American English and British English, ( AB ) . [ æ ]: pronounce as “ a ” in c a t, b a t, h a t, m a t, s a t. [ b ]: pronounce as “ b ” in b oy, b ig, b ad, b uy, b ook. (2). Second syllable, pronounce with unstressed. [ ses ] in both American English and British English, ( ses ) . [ s ]: pronounce as “ s ” in s afe, s un, s on, s ay, s it. [ e ]: pronounce as “ e ” in b e d, r e d, m e t, s e t, g e t. [ s ]: pronounce as “ s ” in s afe, s un, s on, s ay, s it.

Awkward Pronunciation 100% correct. (American & British English)

Say “awkward” like Americans and British. Pronounce “awkward” with easy guide. [ Pronunciation checked by experts. ] How to pronounce Awkward We shared IPA Pronunciation Guide, Sound Like Words, and correct pronunciation of Awkward. You should know that awkward is pronounced differently in American and British English. IPA-key : US: [ ˈɑː-kwɚd ] UK: [ ˈɔː-kwəd ] Sounds like: US: ( AH - kwrd ) UK: ( AW - kwuhd ) Listen audio pronunciation: Awkward - (Cambridge Dictionary) . (1). First syllable, pronounce with stressed. [ ˈɑː ] in American English and [ ˈɔː ] in British English, ( AH / AW ) . [ ɑː ]: [ use: US ] pronounce as “ a ” in p a lm, c a lm. [ ɔː ]: [ use: UK ] pronounce as “ aw ” in l aw , dr aw , r aw . (2). Second syllable, pronounce with unstressed. [ kwɚd ] in American English and [ kwəd ] in British English, ( kwrd / kwuhd ) . [ k ]: pronounce as “ k ” in k ick, k ite, ta k e, k eep, k ey. [ w ]: pronounce as “ w ” ...

Away Pronunciation 100% correct. (American & British English)

Say “away” like Americans and British. Pronounce “away” with easy guide. [ Pronunciation checked by experts. ] How to pronounce Away We shared IPA Pronunciation Guide, Sound Like Words, and correct pronunciation of Away. IPA-key : US: [ əˈweɪ ] UK: [ əˈweɪ ] Sounds like: US: ( uh - WAY ) UK: ( uh - WAY ) Listen audio pronunciation: Away - (Cambridge Dictionary) . (1). First syllable, pronounce with unstressed. [ ə ] in both American English and British English, ( uh ) . [ ə ]: ( schwa ) pronounce as “ a ” in sof a , a bove, a lone, a round, a laska. (2). Second syllable, pronounce with stressed. [ weɪ ] in both American English and British English, ( WAY ) . [ w ]: pronounce as “ w ” in w ater, w in, w e, w eb, w ait, w eek. [ eɪ ]: ( diphthong ) pronounce as “ ay ” in d ay , s ay , m ay , pl ay , gr ay .

Awake Pronunciation 100% correct. (American & British English)

Say “awake” like Americans and British. Pronounce “awake” with easy guide. [ Pronunciation checked by experts. ] How to pronounce Awake We shared IPA Pronunciation Guide, Sound Like Words, and correct pronunciation of Awake. IPA-key : US: [ əˈweɪk ] UK: [ əˈweɪk ] Sounds like: US: ( uh - WAKE ) UK: ( uh - WAKE ) Listen audio pronunciation: Awake - (Cambridge Dictionary) . (1). First syllable, pronounce with unstressed. [ ə ] in both American English and British English, ( uh ) . [ ə ]: ( schwa ) pronounce as “ a ” in sof a , a bove, a lone, a round, a laska. (2). Second syllable, pronounce with stressed. [ weɪk ] in both American English and British English, ( WAKE ) . [ w ]: pronounce as “ w ” in w ater, w in, w e, w eb, w ait, w eek. [ eɪ ]: ( diphthong ) pronounce as “ ay ” in d ay , s ay , m ay , pl ay , gr ay . [ k ]: pronounce as “ k ” in k ick, k ite, ta k e, k eep, k ey.

Avoid Pronunciation 100% correct. (American & British English)

Say “avoid” like Americans and British. Pronounce “avoid” with easy guide. [ Pronunciation checked by experts. ] How to pronounce Avoid We shared IPA Pronunciation Guide, Sound Like Words, and correct pronunciation of Avoid. IPA-key : US: [ əˈvɔɪd ] UK: [ əˈvɔɪd ] Sounds like: US: ( uh - VOYD ) UK: ( uh - VOYD ) Listen audio pronunciation: Avoid - (Cambridge Dictionary) . (1). First syllable, pronounce with unstressed. [ ə ] in both American English and British English, ( uh ) . [ ə ]: ( schwa ) pronounce as “ a ” in sof a , a bove, a lone, a round, a laska. (2). Second syllable, pronounce with stressed. [ vɔɪd ] in both American English and British English, ( VOYD ) . [ v ]: pronounce as “ v ” in v an, v et, v ent, v ine, v illage. [ ɔɪ ]: ( diphthong ) pronounce as “ oy ” in j oy , s oy , t oy , enj oy , r oy al. [ d ]: pronounce as “ d ” in d ish, d one, ki d , d ive, d one.