Wenceslaus Pronunciation Guide - Learn Royal Name [Audio]
Master the pronunciation of "Wenceslaus," the name of several Bohemian kings. This detailed guide helps you say this royal name correctly.
Wenceslaus Pronunciation in English
Sounds Like
First syllable (WEN) (stress)
Start with a "w" sound like in "win", followed by "en" like in "when". Think of saying "when" but stopping before the "h".
Second syllable (suh)
Make a soft "s" sound followed by a quick "uh" like when you say "uh-huh". It's very light and quick.
Third syllable (slaws)
Begin with "sl" like in "slow", then make an "aws" sound like in "laws". It's similar to how you say "claws" but with "sl" instead of "cl".
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