
Mesopotamia Pronunciation in English:
IPA: [ˌmɛs-ə-pəˈteɪ-mi-ə] Sounds Like: (mes-uh-puh-tay-mee-uh).


1 syllable (mes) [less stress]: like in , like in , like in .

2 syllable (uh): like in .

3 syllable (puh): like in , like in .

4 syllable (tay) [stress]: like in , like in .

5 syllable (mee): like in , like in .

6 syllable (uh): like in .

Mesopotamia Information:

Type Historical Region
Location Modern-day Iraq, Kuwait, Syria, and parts of Turkey
Etymology From Ancient Greek, meaning "between rivers" (referring to the Tigris and Euphrates rivers)
Historical Period c. 3500 BCE - 539 BCE
Significance One of the earliest civilizations, birthplace of writing, urban culture, and complex society


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